CROPS 2022 Workshops
In preparation for those planning to attend the KBase workshops we recommend first creating a free KBase account so you can use the system. This short KBase Quick Start video demonstrates how-to along with a very brief introduction to the platform or follow the step-by-step sign up guide.
KBase for Plant Science
Lead: Priya Ranjan
In person – KBase enables users to analyze, share, and collaborate using data and tools designed to help build increasingly realistic models of biological systems and function in plants and their microbiome. This presentation will include a brief introduction for those new to KBase, and then cover a mix of analyses involving differential gene expression analysis, reconstruction of plant metabolism from a genome and examining the expression data within metabolic subsystems in a reproducible point-and-click narrative user interface.
Workshop Links & Resources:
KBase for Plant Educators
Lead: Ellen Dow
Hybrid – While KBase is routinely used for advanced analysis by scientists around the world, the Narrative interface is adaptable to meet the needs of educators and students in the classroom. KBase Educators are instructors of any level that use KBase as a tool for exploratory and research-based biological analysis experiences in their course curriculum. Many educators in this community teach bioinformatics or molecular biology to high school and college-level students with a lab or hands-on portion. The KBase Educators community provides a growing network of resources with instructional templates, guidelines, and peer support for using KBase with students (virtual & in-person). This workshop will demonstrate how to use the KBase platform and teaching resources, including adaptable, modularized workflows built upon the Narrative interface that connect biological concepts and introduce supporting resources for integrating KBase into the classroom.
Workshop Links & Resources:
Access teaching resources and learn about the community at KBase Educators!