KBase Resources

KBase Resources

Links Links


Interested in KBase and want to know more? Here are a few quick links to sign up for the KBase Newsletter, learn more about KBase Educators Program, and explore resources for Data Management Plans (DMPs) and the Dept of Energy Promoting Inclusion and Equity in Research (PIER) Plans.

Virtual Flyers Virtual Flyers

Virtual Flyers

Click to download more information on the overall science you can do in KBase, details specific to plant science, and general FAQs.

Welcome Guide Welcome Guide

Welcome Guide

New to KBase? The Quick Start video shows how to create a KBase account and get started using the platform. 

🎞 KBase Quick Start:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X55PO0vEttc

Got data to analyze? The Upload and Download Guide shows how to get your data into KBase for analysis, and download output data from KBase.

🎞 Upload and Download Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEKYZbVkyCc

Ready to dive into your analysis? Navigating the Narrative demonstrates all the features of KBase Narratives – the notebook-style user interface that is the primary working environment of the platform. 

🎞 Navigating the Narrative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it3InSjU2b8 

Ready to share your science? Sharing Data in KBase demonstrates sharing your work with users, KBase Organizations (groups of users), or making a static copy of the Narrative viewable by anyone. 

🎞 Sharing KBase Narratives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T07ugYD8UpU

Looking for more videos? Check out the recordings of our tutorial webinars covering everything from the basics to advanced analyses: https://www.youtube.com/doekbase

Looking for more information about KBase? Here are some additional resources to guide you: